Unlock Your Creative Potential: Authors Resource Hub

Welcome to Authors Resource Hub, your one-stop destination for a wealth of creative inspiration and knowledge. Dive into a treasure trove of resources, including engaging YouTube videos, insightful ebooks, and exciting freebies. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, a curious mind, or simply looking for a dose of inspiration, you’ll find a wide range of materials to spark your creativity and enhance your skills. Explore, learn, and unleash your inner artist with Arthur’s carefully curated collection of resources.

$8 Beginner E-book


$8 Beginner E-book

*Basic-one topic

$20 All Inclusive Handbook 

Start Your Journey Today


You just finished writing your novel. Congratulations! Now what? This course will walk you through the following steps to become published. This comprehensive course is designed to give you insights into the intricacies of self-publishing, guiding you through each stage. Seasoned authors will share their expertise, offering advice on self-publishing and cautions against potential pitfalls.