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Looking for a fun and creative way to express yourself? Look no further than our high-quality items! Whether you want to decorate your laptop, personalize your water bottle, or add some flair to your notebook, our stickers are the perfect solution. Or express your self by suppoting our business t-shirts. We also offer high quality notebooks to express your free thoughts or stay organized!

Of are you looking to start the process of becoming an independent author? We are offering eBooks to start your literary journey with Self Publishing 101 and Author Branding 101.



Echo of Choices- Gold on Black Sticker 

Matte, Glossy or Transparent 


Queen of  Thoughts #1 Sticker

Matte, Glossy or Transparent


Queen of Thoughts #2 Open your third eye- Sticker

Matte, Glossy or Transparent


Queen of Thought Stick #3

Matte, Glossy or Transparent


Black Ram Production T-Shirt

Mulitple Colors and Sizes


Black Ram Production Sticker

Matte, Glossy or Transparent

Black Ram Production Journal

Course- Self-Publishing Guide


Inspirational Business Journal


Echo  Journal

Author Branding 101

Author Branding 101- EBook Only

$8.00- Basic- Beginner- One topic

Self Publishing 101- EBook Only

$8.00 Beginner

Self- Publishing A Handbook Keeper

$20.00- All in One Handbook

Grab the Echo of Choices Novella

Echo of Choices – a novella- is a captivating literary work that showcases three unique stories, each tracing the journey of a protagonist as they grapple with decisions and their downstream impact. The book delves into the intricacies of the human condition, examining themes such as love, death, greed, sorrow, and ethics.
As individuals, we are constantly faced with choices, both simple and complex, and understanding their consequences is a lifelong lesson. Echo of Choices takes readers on a thought-provoking expedition, exploring whether we are in control of our decisions or are they predetermined by nature and nurture, a question that has intrigued philosophers for centuries.
The book presents three distinct tales, namely Grey No Color, Circulations, and Five Stages, each offering unique insights into the human psyche.
Grey No Color delves into the realm of ethical dilemmas, examining the factors that influence decision-making in impossible situations.
Circulations explores the impact of patience versus choosing the easy way out, while Five Stages explores the human condition during times of crisis, where decisions can have far-reaching and unforeseen consequences.
Echo of Choices is a captivating read that offers readers a deeper understanding of the human experience, one that is sure to leave a lasting impression.