Discover the Creative Journey: Authors Portfolio and Projects

Hello! I’m Shavona White, and I’ve always been a deeply curious soul, constantly pondering the intricacies of reality and my own purpose within it. My journey began at a young age when I tragically lost my father in a work accident. That moment shattered my innocence and ignited a burning desire to question the fundamental aspects of life, including its meaning, the mysteries of death, and the existence of a divine force.


These existential inquiries often cast a long shadow over my nights, leading to sleepless hours and bouts of anxiety. But instead of succumbing to these challenges, I embarked on a path of resilience and self-discovery. To find solace and insight amidst life’s mysteries, I turned to the world of art, particularly through books, movies, and other creative forms.


I’ve always had a profound passion for celebrating individualism, and I’ve honed my ability to observe and analyze the intricate patterns that shape human behavior and motivations. My life’s work has revolved around understanding what makes each person unique, and I’ve been captivated by the fascinating interplay between one’s environment and their identity. What truly intrigues me is the phenomenon of those who fearlessly defy societal norms, forging their own paths with unwavering conviction.

Through my writing, I invite you into the depths of my contemplative mind. I offer profound insights into the human experience, individuality, and the pursuit of understanding. My works serve as a testament to the power of curiosity and self-reflection, showing that even in the face of life’s most profound questions, one can discover solace and inspiration through the creative expressions of others.

Echo of Choices is a novella work that showcases three unique stories, each tracing the journey of a protagonist as they grapple with decisions and their downstream impact. The book delves into the intricacies of the human condition, examining themes such as love, death, greed, sorrow, and ethics.

As individuals, we are constantly faced with choices, both simple and complex, and understanding their consequences is a lifelong lesson. Echo of Choices takes readers on a thought-provoking expedition, exploring whether we are in control of our decisions or are they predetermined by nature and nurture, a question that has intrigued philosophers for centuries.

The book presents three distinct tales, namely Grey No Color, Circulations, and Five Stages, each offering unique insights into the human psyche.

Grey No Color delves into the realm of ethical dilemmas, examining the factors that influence decision-making in impossible situations.

Circulations explores the impact of patience versus choosing the easy way out, while Five Stages explores the human condition during times of crisis, where decisions can have far-reaching and unforeseen consequences.

Echo of Choices is a captivating read that offers readers a deeper understanding of the human experience, one that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

My writings resonate not only with those who share my insatiable thirst for knowledge but with anyone who seeks to unravel the intricate tapestry of human existence. My unique perspective and unwavering dedication to exploring life’s mysteries make me a compelling and thought-provoking author.

Self- Publishing A Handbook Keeper

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Are you an author with a passion for self-publishing? Do you dream of taking control of your literary destiny and sharing your work with a global audience? Look no further! Self-Publishing – A Handbook Keeper is your all-in-one destination to transform your creative dreams into published reality.

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